The Natural Food Emporium

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Christmas Cake

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Our gluten free Christmas Fruit Cake is rich and fruity and just a little boozy. A Fruit Cake might be a traditional Christmas dessert but we have been sure to mix up the fruit selection to create a divine cake for your Christmas table.

Gluten Free ·   Refined Sugar Free    

Makes 1 x 1.2 kg cake


175g Anything But Ordinary Plain Flour

125g butter

125g rapadura sugar

2 eggs

700g fruit mince (see recipe link)

2 tablespoons Tawny Port, divided


Preheat oven to 125 degrees Celsius. Line a deep 13-15cm square tin with two layers of baking paper on the base and sides.

Sieve the Anything But Ordinary Plain Flour. Mix one tablespoon of Port into the fruit mince.

Beat the butter and sugar together until creamy. Add the eggs one at a time and beat again. The mix may curdle at this stage but that is okay. Add the fruit mince and stir until well mixed. Add the flour gradually, about a third at a time. When thoroughly mixed, tip into the prepared tin. Push the mix into the corners and firmly smooth the top. Drop the tin a couple of times from a few inches above the bench to settle the mix and get rid of any air pockets.

Bake for 5-5½ hours depending on tin size. A skewer inserted will come out clean when cooked and the top will be firm and brown. Immediately brush the remaining Port over the cake. Cover with foil and wrap in a towel. Leave for 12 hours to become completely cold. Tip out of tin and remove baking paper. Wrap in cling film and foil and store in an airtight container. Best left at least a week before cutting (with a very sharp knife - not serrated). Will keep in a cool place or fridge for 6 months.

Fruit Mince recipe


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