
Sweet Potato Wraps

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Home Made Gluten Free Sweet Potato Wraps! Yep throw that sandwich away these wraps are light and flavorful, just waiting for your favourite topping!

Dairy Free ·  Vegan    

Makes 8 x 18-21cm / 7- 8inch rounds


150g / 1 cup Anything But Ordinary Plain Flour

½ teaspoon flaxmeal

½ teaspoon psyllium husk powder

½ teaspoon salt

260g / 1⅓ cups steamed sweet potato

80ml / ⅓ cup water

20ml / 1 tablespoon oil


Cut two pieces of baking paper about 25cm across.

In a bowl whisk the Anything But Ordinary Plain Flour, flaxmeal, psyllium husk powder, and salt. In another bowl mash the steamed sweet potato til smooth, then add the water and oil. Stir to combine then tip into the flour. Mix until a soft dough forms. The mix will form a dough ball pretty quickly.

Flour your hands and take out the dough, dividing into eight equal portions. Roll each portion into a well formed ball and dust it lightly with flour before patting out to a flat disc on one sheet of lightly floured baking paper. Dust the ball lightly with flour and place the other piece of baking paper on the top.

Using a rolling pin flatten out to a circle approx 18-21cm diameter. Carefully peel the paper off the top. If it sticks use another dusting of flour on each side half way through rolling out. Don’t overdo the flour though because they will taste floury and become brittle!.

Preheat a cast iron skillet or non stick fry pan til very hot then turn down to low. Wipe a small amount of oil over the base with a paper towel. Pick up the baking paper and flip the dough circle into the pan and carefully peel the paper off.

Cook for 2 minutes each side (use a timer) then another minute each side as needed. It’s best to flip a couple of times rather than have any overdone sections as they can go hard and crisp on cooling.

Roll out another dough ball while one is cooking. Have a plate ready to slide them onto once cooked and cover immediately with a clean cloth as the steam helps keep them pliable.

Eat fresh with your filling of choice. They will keep in the fridge for a couple of days if covered tightly (once cooled) and can be wrapped in foil and reheated in a moderate oven for 5-10 minutes.


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